Welcome to ZenAcademy's GitBook, where you can find all sorts of hidden treasures about our community, our resources, and what we stand for.
When I created ZenAcademy I had no roadmap. No giant plans for how to conquer the world; no plans at all really. Instead I had feelings and desires. I felt like our space could use a community focused on sensible education. One where logic and reason reigned supreme amidst a sea of hype, FOMO, and wild speculation.
More than anything, I wanted to create a cozy little home in the metaverse where anyone, but especially those newer to the space, could enjoy a warm and welcoming environment and feel comfortable asking any questions they might have about the space.
The learning curve for web3 and NFTs is steep and it is never-ending. ZenAcademy exists to soften that learning curve and ensure anyone, anywhere, at any level, has a place to learn.
ZenAcademy is not a registered broker, analyst or financial advisor. None of the information shared within the ZenAcademy Discord server or official ZenAcademy website should be taken as financial or investment advice. Please note that within the NFT space there are always risks. Anything shared within the ZenAcademy server including links to external websites may have associated risks you should always take into consideration. By purchasing a ZenAcademy NFT token you are not buying a security or investment. The ZenAcademy team shall not be held liable for any losses, mistakes, or taxes you may incur as a result of such purchase. The NFT space is evolving quickly and can be filled with bad actors. Please ensure you are always doing your own due diligence within this space and working with your financial advisor before making any financial decisions.